Haarex Clinic’s distinctive feature is to “make hair transplantation right”. Hair transplantation should be personalized and not universalized. Hair transplantation is performed by Haarex Clinic as an art form.
Hair transplantation is combined with design and art. We transplant happiness and self-confidence. Haarex Clinic’s expert staff has more than 10 years experience. It is focused on the satisfaction and well-being of patients and their friends. Interviews are conducted one by one and take into account their wishes. We offer personalized solutions for each patient’s hair problems. All patients receive professional service with confidence.
It is the most advanced technology in hair transplantation today and it is also the gentlest. It is easier and more popular than the traditional methods. This is the best method of transplanting a person’s hair from an empty, hairless area. FUE Follicular unit Extraction is one of the most common micro-surgical operations.
The FUE Method (androgenetic hair loss) is the best and most effective solution for those who have suffered from hair loss. It can also be used for hair loss caused by burn marks, hair disease, and injuries.
Fue is a method of removing hair follicles from an individual donor area (donor). It uses a cylindrical hollow device with a diameter of either 0.5mm or 0.8mm depending on the person’s hair thickness.
Fue hair transplantation is faster than traditional methods and leaves no scarring. The Fue method, which is constantly evolving technologically, has a positive impact on the quality of hair transplantation operations. It depends on modern techniques and devices. These developments have led to the diversification of FUE methods. These include: